Our impact

We motivate children to keep safe and informed

Escaping persecution in Myanmar, an estimated 700,000 Rohingya people fled to Bangladesh & now live in refugee camps, working with UNICEF we implemented a successful behaviour change programme.

Sam Holdsworth

Dhaka: the world’s most heavily populated city

Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. It is the most heavily populated city in the world, with more than 5,000 slums. These are inhabited by an estimated four million people.

For children and young people living in slum areas, life is extremely difficult. Overcrowding and poor sanitation means children are more susceptible to severe illnesses. Raising awareness about the importance of good hygiene – like hand-washing – can support children’s long-term health and wellbeing.

UNICEF behaviour change programme

Make WASH fun! is a handwashing behaviour change programme aimed at informing children how to overcome the effects of poor sanitation.

Learning Through Laughter

Clowns Without Borders helped critical messaging around hygiene go viral. This joyful programme was developed over three years with Rohingya children in Cox Bazar, and spread to thousands of other children in the slums of Dhaka.

Maksuda Sultana, a Technical Manager for Hygiene Promotion with UNICEF partner CARE talks about our impact:

We are teaching through real-life scenarios, by playing games and using drama to deliver important lessons on health and hygiene – in a way that children understand. It’s called “learning through laughter”. When children enjoy learning, they are far more likely to remember lessons and adopt good hygiene practices.

Watch: Artists working with children who have fled Myanmar.

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