We use the single most effective way to support learning

Clowns Without Borders can reach more children and young people than any other organisation. We train teams to do the same.

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Changing the landscape of how we treat children

By using the single most effective way to support learning, Clowns Without Borders can reach more children and young people than any other organisation. We train teams to do the same — because we believe play offers children and young people the best protection from disaster.

By investing in Clowns Without Borders, we will be able to carry this practice forward, forever…

Amplify your NGO’s message

We make aid money work as hard as it can. When children participate directly they take ownership of ideas, remember what they have learned and start applying the lessons immediately. Clowns Without Borders has an approach that achieves unparalleled transmission of ideas, reaching new participants not present. This means, children in disaster who are recovering can become part of the Humanitarian Aid delivery process.

Valuable Training & Tracking

For Humanitarian Aid providers, we help improve programme outcomes you are already running. The effectiveness of which is measured using our Monitoring and Evaluation toolkit, and for children in disaster, this training forms a vital part of their recovery. Clowns Without Borders add value to existing programmes by helping tailor them to use our tools with minimal training.

Humanitarian Aid that can leverage the ripple effect

The psychosocial first aid context is an opportunity to impart valuable life skills. During play, children and young people go on to repeat their experiences again and again, helping their recovery. This means, Clowns Without Borders can help your message go viral, reaching other children in disaster.

Capacity Building

Our courses assist Humanitarian Aid agencies help children in disaster to recover. Clowns Without Borders create the most relevant, inspiring activities that teach children and young people more effectively. The depth and range of our activities help staff, volunteers and community outreach workers provide better humanitarian aid.

Programme Delivery

With 20 years of experience, we understand how to improve programme delivery outcomes. Our programmes are informed by Protection, PFA and WASH and formalised as:

Wellbeing Protection Programme

Emotional Wellbeing of Children in Disaster

The UN tracks data on six grave violations against children during armed conflict. These grave violations contribute to Toxic Stress.

The frequency and intensity of disasters is increasing around the world – amplifying suffering. In Humanitarian Crisis there are extreme difficulties and a lack of supporting relationships. These cause Toxic Stress, where children and young people are the most at risk.

More than ever, they need a chance to play.

When we create opportunities to laugh, we ease the impact of trauma and develop coping skills. These moments contribute to a normal childhood and help build community resilience.

Girl’s Rights Programme

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, there are 30 Human Rights.

Many women and girls around the world do not have basic Human Rights. They lack the right to live free from violence or discrimination, they can not vote, or even go to school.

Following a Humanitarian Disaster women are especially vulnerable to exclusion and violence. To assist recovery, we use an intuitive approach to reach girls and their communities.

We share techniques that establish inclusion, lead to greater agency and strengthen self-esteem. Combined, these help communities become resilient, inclusive and help resolve conflict without violence.

WASH Programme

Water, Sanitation and Hygine Training

Water, sanitation, and hygiene
are the cornerstone of all aspects of life — UNHCR access to WASH

The most challenging consequences of crisis, is the lack of hygiene systems. This is often compounded following a Humanitarian Disaster.

This leads to outbreaks of serious disease. Especially in migration situations and dense populations in overcrowded camps.

We have a systematic approach proven to encourage sustainable behaviour change. By transforming technical information into age appropriate activities, we amplify keeping people safe. By framing ideas for children and young people to enjoy, they repeat them again and again.

This means we deliver the WASH Programme more effectively than our partners alone.

Improve programme delivery outcomes you already run

Our Programme Delivery Strategy

Programme Delivery to engage children and young people is hard. Especially when the material should assist the recovery of children in disaster. Programme work happens where people are vulnerable to discrimination, overcrowding and health issues.

When NGO encounter hurdles, tight budgets, or changes of plan, training standards slip. This is why we make updating Programme contents as easy as possible.

To improve Programme Delivery already running, we integrate our material as discreet activities. To build capacity and measure impact these have a monitoring and evaluation component. Because life is complicated enough.

How can NGO Improve Programme Delivery?

To improve programme delivery NGO should be:

  • reaching a wider audience with current funds.
  • encouraging direct participation to empower children and young people.
  • tailoring activities to support behaviour change through facilitator training.
  • using age appropriate activities that measure impact.
  • using Monitoring and Evaluation to track effective use of aid money.

How can we Improve Programme Delivery together?

To improve outcomes, it’s important to get specific. Our depth and range of age appropriate activities can reinvigorate your approach. With facilitator training, it’s possible to deliver material reaching the widest audience. Theses programmes gather feedback and measure impact using our Monitoring and Evaluation toolkit.

Working together to reach a wider audience

Our material uses experiences children and young people can repeat again and again.

Working together to empower children and young people

During Programme Delivery, it’s important people see someone who looks like them. This helps comfort and engage the audience, which is empowering. Being facilitator lead helps team up with local communities and make material relevant.

Working together to support behaviour change

Our training focuses on facilitators leading activities. This supports behaviour change by encouraging participants to overcome challenges in real time. And we use frameworks that adapt to types of learning.

The depth and range of these activities work elsewhere, with minimal training. Together, these enable your team to improve programme delivery already running.

Working together to use age appropriate activities

We enable NGO to have access to a depth and range of activities difficult to find elsewhere. These have high success rates because they integrate popular frameworks and measure impact. These popular frameworks include Kolb’s Learning Cycle, The Kirkpatrick Model and on-going assessment.

We transform technical information into age appropriate activities tailored to encourage facilitator participation.

Working together to measure impact

We work with NGO to measure impact of Programme material using quantitative feedback. The goal is improve accountability and measure effectiveness over the long-term.

Our Theory of Change experts understand monitoring and evaluation to assist accountability. These inform our Partner relationships, overcoming challenges normally associated with measuring impact. Getting specific helps answer the age old question:

How do you
measure impact?

About our training structure

Our training structure integrates popular frameworks that support monitoring and evaluation.

Our training structure includes:

  • Kolb’s Learning Cycle, to identify discreet learning steps and different learner styles.
  • The Kirkpatrick Model, to measure the training effectiveness.
  • on-going assessment, aimed at long-term progress working with children and young people.