Our impact

Our work is recognised by The Prime Minister

Oxfam funded workshops in November 2018 to deliver hygiene resources to Rohingya refugee children in Bangladesh, which has been recognised in the Points of Light award.

Sam Holdsworth

Helping OXFAM deliver WASH programming

Annabel Morgan, Nicholas Mamba, Edward Morgan (logistician) and two international facilitators helped create a safe, fun and engaging space for children to explore Hygiene resources. The WASH programme helped train adults in the community through playful workshops focusing on self-expression.

The magic ingredient? Play.

Outstanding excellence in the charity sector

We are recognised as providing vitally important psycho-social first aid to children as highlighted by Points of Light, Prime Minister, Theresa May’s award for outstanding excellence in the charity sector. This work can not be done alone, as highlight by our partner contributions through Plan International and Oxfam.

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