Our impact

We bring laughter to children in crisis zones

Alongside UNHCR, we were the only NGO able to enter Hungary's Transit Zones because of our completely unique kind of Humanitarian Aid.

Sam Holdsworth

Our approach acquires special access

The UN High Commissioner described Hungary’s Transit Zones as “detention centers”. It is extremely difficult to access these sites, where families live in small, locked compounds. The monotony of day-to-day life is compounded during Summer, when there is no school. The UNHCR granted Clowns Without Borders special access to develop critically needed Psycho-Social First Aid Workshops.

A completely unique kind of Humanitarian Aid

Our organisation delivers a truely unique form of Aid, we train staff in emergancies, and help children and young people in crisis. In Hungary’s Transit Zones the UNHCR required a series of resources to bring relief and build community resilience. These performances and workshops helped the UNHCR with capacity building to deliver Psycho-Social First Aid for themselves. We also developed a series of activities to help the UNHCR team keep sharing the fun after we had left.

This partnership with UNHCR trained 20 staff in the most effective child-centred approach to working with children. This helps raise awareness with other NGOs of our unique approach to Aid delivery.

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